Catalonia I have to apologize!

Catalonia, I have to apologize! I was so angry with you, I did not want to see you, or get to know you. I rejected you at the first moment because I came here in a hurry, I left everything on my paradise island. Then you showed me your beautiful places, your kind people, your amazing beaches and tasty foods and I started to like you. Now, that I have only a few days here, I have to say: Catalonia I will miss you. What a summer I had! What a team! During this crazy time, we should say that we are blessed and should be grateful to have an opportunity to work here, with all the roller-coaster effects. I saw I learnt, I improved. People showed up in my life again, when I thought I will never see them again! I practised to be patient which is not my best skill... so you can imagen. I fought harder than ever before yet I also learnt when I need to back up and just let it go. Catalonia gave me 3 months of life last experiences. I had my very best aquagym of all the time since I am doing animation. No matter what happened 5 minutes before my classes, when I stood there in front of all the guest, I put the music and everything just disappeared. Just me and the people who were waiting for me to entertain them. And I did. With all my soul, heart and body. I have never experienced the feeling when I finish the class and there are 40 - 50 - 60(!!!) people in the pool screaming, singing, applauding and shouting to me not to go. How can I describe this feeling? When you see that they are happy, they enjoyed it. You gave them something plus during their holiday. They remember you, they shout your name every time you pass around the pool, the kids are following you, they leave compliments, you change contact with them... I still have families, and we are still talking since they left. I am still learning how to turn off my mind from work and relax, but I think here I made a great improvement. I went out on my free days, I switched off, ate good food and spent a lot of money on myself (as one of my very close friend suggested to me). So here I focused on this, and I have to say that amazing thing happened. I went to Girona, I visited small places around Catalonia I did things first in my life here! Like scuba diving! I bought my very first camera here, after saying that "Yes yes I will buy one day", and I kept saying this for two years. Here I did it. 

So Catalonia, I am so sorry! I am so sorry that I treated you so bad. All you gave to me was passion, beauty and experience. 

Thank you!

And it is not goodbye, it is a see you later!

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